Most of the benign tumors are pleomorphic adenoma tumors. This tumor has epithelial tissue with ducts and epithelial cells mixed with areas that have similar characteristics of ground substance of connective tissue. The myoepithelial cells are what produce the tissues that resemble connective tissue. Patients that have these benign tumors claim to have no pain in the affected glands. The reason for this may be that the innervated nerves are numb and weak. What should a patient do with a benign salivary gland tumor? Surgery is a possible option for parotid gland tumors in which the entire gland will be removed.
Pawlina, Wojciech. "Connective Tissue." Histology A Text and Atlas By Michael H. Ross. 6th ed. N..: n.p., n.d 555 Print. The two main contributors listed for the 6th edition of this textbook, Wojciech Pawlina and Michael H. Ross.